The Serval

Interesting Animal Facts

The Serval

The Serval is said to be the most efficient hunter of the 37 cat species and has an average success rate of 49%, they can jump up to two meters in the air to catch prey. They have the longest legs relative to body size in the cat family and also have the largest ears in the cat family. The Serval feeds mainly on rodents, fish, frogs, birds and small rabbits, they also occasionally feed on small antelopes.

The Serval can grow to a meter in length with a shoulder height of 60 centimeters and can weigh up to 20 Kilograms. The life span of a Serval is about 15 years, females can have a litter of between 2 and 5 kittens.

Serval males rarely fight each other over territory but rather have a stand off and stare each other down, occasionally prodding each other with their paws, until one of them breaks the stare and walks away.