African Bird Of Prey Sanctuary
The African Bird of Prey Sanctuary is a working facility dedicated to the conservation of indigenous raptors and is base to ongoing research, breeding and rehabilitation projects for birds of prey. The majority of these projects run ‘behind the scenes’ to ensure that the integrity of the wild birds is not compromised and that a high release success rate is achieved. The sanctuary is also, however, home to a wide selection of captive-bred or ‘non-releasable rehabilitation’ birds of prey. These raptors can be viewed in their ‘micro-environment’ enclosures by anyone who wishes to visit and learn about South Africa’s magnificent aerial predators
Visit Our Sanctuary
Situated on 60 hectares of scenic valley bushveld, within easy access of both Durban and Pietermaritzburg, the African Bird of Prey Sanctuary is safe-haven to the widest selection of indigenous raptors in southern Africa.
For a unique ‘eco-experience’ visit our Sanctuary bird park for a day of happy, healthy, outdoor fun for the whole family. All the raptors living at the Sanctuary (from the tiny owlets to the quarrelsome vultures) are either captive bred or non-releaseable rehabilitation birds whose injuries are permanent and they can no longer survive in the wild.
Owls, hawks, falcons and eagles from the smallest to the biggest, from common to rare, ordinary to exceptional we have them all! As you wander amongst their micro-environment enclosures and learn their life stories will not fail to touch your heart.
Our awesome aerial predators can be seen in action during interactive, free-flying shows which are conducted daily from an open-air amphitheatre. So come and experience for yourself the determined dash of a goshawk, the stealth of a shy owl, or the phenomenal speed of a diving falcon.
Visitor Facilities
The Kestrel Café provides a simple selection of toasted sandwiches and of course, tea, coffee and cream scones to keep the wolf at bay
The “Africa Trading” gallery specializes in African artwork from all over the continent. Here traveling tradesman display their authentic wood, terracotta and bronze pieces. The curio shop, showing a definite bird of prey influence, provides a good selection of items for both local and foreign guests at competitive prices.
The Nature Trail Sanctuary guests can now undertake self-guided bush walk. This bush-veld amble takes about 40 minutes, has lovely valley views and is suitable for the whole family. An awesome selection of bush birds will serenade your passage and see if you can spot a, wildebeest, antelope or zebra before they spot you!
Support Our Sanctuary – Sponsor a Bird
The Feathered Friends Program
In the wild young birds of prey experience up to 70% mortality in their first year. Unfortunately human activities almost always influence these wild populations in a negative way, putting even more pressure on the birds that survived in the first place.
Many of the raptors housed here at the Sanctuary have suffered injury because of these human activities; such as the unwise use of poisons, aerial utility-line collisions and electrocutions, firearm persecution, road accidents and illegal trade for traditional medicine use. These raptors can no longer survive in the wild due to the permanent nature of their injuries and will live out their lives here as ambassadors. For some of the bigger birds this may be for as long as 40 years. As their custodians it is our responsibility to provide them with shelter, food and environmental enrichment to make them as comfortable as possible for the rest of their days. It is our hope that through their stories, people will come to know, understand and care more about the amazing diversity of raptors that live in South African skies.
Our skills, time and expertise are often severely hindered by insufficient funds required to carry out this task. You, your company or your school may be in a position to assist! If any of the raptors living at the sanctuary have touched your heart, then you can contribute to their upkeep with an annual sponsorship support.
What you receive in return
– A feathered friend card allowing you 20% admittance discount to the sanctuary.
– Listing on our Sanctuary Friends board
– A mounted photograph of your chosen raptor
– A bi-annual email update as to the health and welfare of your feathered friend
– The knowledge that you have made a difference in the life of a fellow creature
Listing Sponsored by SWM Digital